
今日は5月3日発行の無料のニュースレターより、Feel The Grammarをお届けします。

Feel The Grammar
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In the movie "Star Wars", Luke's master tells him to "feel the force".

His message is: Don't think about fighting, feel it and act quickly and naturally.

That's exactly what you should do with grammar. Most students think about grammar. They analyze it. The try to memorize grammar "rules". They study the names for different grammar points. They talk about grammar, think about grammar, take tests about grammar. They know more about grammar than most native speakers.

But they can't USE grammar correctly. Even though they "know" the rules, they still use the wrong verb tense when they speak. They "know" grammar, but they don't FEEL it. Perhaps you have this problem. Maybe you have studied English grammar for many years. Maybe you know all of the rules very well. But when you speak, you still make the same mistakes.

The truth is, unless you want a PhD. in English Linguistics, you don't need to "know" the grammar rules. In fact, thinking about grammar will hurt you. The more you think about grammar, the worse you will speak. You will actually make MORE grammar mistakes.

To USE grammar correctly, you must follow the Star Wars method. You must learn to feel the grammar. Dr. Stephen Krashen calls this "a feeling for grammatical correctness". Native speakers have it-- you want it.

How do you get it? How do you learn to feel correct grammar? How do you learn to use correct grammar instantly and automatically, without thinking?

The best way I know is to listen to Point of View (POV) stories every day. A POV lesson is a story that is told with many different kinds of grammar. For example, the same story is told in the present, in the past, in the future, etc. You listen to each version many times. You notice how the verbs and phrases change-- but you don't think too much.

Rather, you gradually get a feel for the grammar. Eventually, you will begin to use correct grammar when you speak-- automatically. You won't have to think about it.

So, listen to Point of View mini-stories everyday. Listen to each version many times. Your grammar will improve automatically.

You will learn how to FEEL English grammar.

Good Luck!
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By AJ Hoge

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