
Speak English Easily Using The Effortless English System

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"Speak English Easily Using The Effortless English System"

For a Price So Low You Won't Believe It!

by A.J. Hoge, Director of The Effortless English Program

Why do you read English so easily -- but you can't speak English well? Do you feel uncomfortable when you try to speak English? Are you tired of teachers that criticize and bore you? Are you sick of studyng grammar and vocabulary lists? Are you angry that you still can't speak English?

You want to speak English quickly and fluently. You have studied many years, and you still can't speak well. You have tried so many schools, textbooks, and teachers... but still, no success.

If you read just one article about how to speak English, this is it. Read all of this article and change the way you study English.
"Translation from one language into another is a harmful approach because it slows down communication. The research shows that translation and grammar study do not work for most students"
-- Dr. James Asher
If you are learning English to...

*speak with native speakers
*improve your conversation ability
*understand English TV and movies
*make new English speaking friends

... you need to stop using schools and textbooks and find a better way.

What is the most important secret for learning to speak English? What is the secret that English schools never tell you?

Listen closely.

Secret number one is this: Never study English grammar. That’s right. Never!

This is exactly the opposite of what schools tell you, right? From the time you started learning English until today, you have probably focused on grammar. You have memorized grammar rules. You have read grammar textbooks. Your teachers taught you that grammar was the key to English.

They were wrong. Totally wrong.

I live in Mexico City and I listen to Effortless English on my ipod. I want to thank you for the excellent work you are doing. In fact I used to study a lot of grammar and did not focus on listening skills.

After listening to your episode named "Why grammar is bad" I changed my mind and I started to listen more and more. My pronunciation and fluency have improved!

Last week I was in Cleveland, USA. I was talking with real native speakers! My experience with the English language was really good-- I really could express many emotions and ideas."

José Antonio Abraján Pérez
Ernst & Young, Business Tax Compliance (BTC)

Here are a few things you'll learn when you join Effortless English:

* Why 95% of English schools fail -- how they break rules of English learning -- and fail to teach their students to speak fluently.

* Why grammar study does not work -- and why it can kill your speaking ability.

* How to increase your vocabulary -- and use it when speaking.

* How to understand more -- and then speak English fluently.

When you study correctly, you cannot fail.

"If you want to become like a native speaker of another language you don’t have to do it when you are a child-- you need to do it like a child."
--Dr. J. Marvin Brown

The True Power of Language Learning

Grammar is not the key to speaking English fluently. Listening is the key to speaking English.

The best English learners are children, of course. Why? Because they don't study grammar and they don't learn from textbooks. They learn first from listening-- then later from listening plus reading. This is called a "Listen First" approach, and it is very powerful. Very, very powerful!

If you use this method, you will learn excellent pronunciation. You will learn vocabulary quickly and easily. You will understand grammar automatically- without memorizing it. You will not translate when you listen or speak. You will speak English with speed, power, and confidence!

Why Most Students Fail

There are many students who know grammar rules, but very few students can actually speak English. Most speak slowly and badly.

Teachers tell you the best way to learn English is to study grammar. Wrong! Don’t do it.

Here's a surprise: Students who study grammar are usually worse at speaking English. That's because grammar rules confuse them. Children don't learn English by studying grammar- you shouldn't either.

"Did you know that grammar study can actually kill your English ability?"

Why? Because grammar study makes you think about English, instead of speaking automatically. What you want to do is speak English easily, without thinking. You want to speak quickly and easily.

To speak well, you must first understand native speakers. Your listening skills must be excellent. If you improve your listening, your speaking will automatically improve. Listening is absolutely the number one secret to speaking English well. Focus on listening first, and you are guaranteed to succeed. You cannot fail.

"Students who spent just thirty minutes a day listening to English and reading, did better than students in traditional classes-- not only on listening comprehension tests, but also on speaking tests."
--P. Lightbown & N. Spada (1993)

The research is clear-- students who Listen First are better speakers than students who use textbooks and study grammar. This research has been repeated again and again. In every country, in every possible situation, students who learn by listening always win against students who study grammar. Always!

Research by Dr. Stephen Krashen, Dr. James Asher, Dr. Ashley Hastings, Dr. Brenda Murphy, Lightbown and Spada, Blaine Ray, and Dr. J. Marvin Brown all show the same results-- Listen First students learn faster and speak better than students in normal English classes.

"The most important variables (factors) for language learning are understandable input (listening and reading) and having a good relationship with speakers of the language"
--Dr. Stephen Krashen

Secrets of an English Teacher

My name is A.J Hoge. I have a Masters degree in Teaching English (TESOL).

I started teaching English 10 years ago when I worked in Korea, teaching children. Over the past 10 years, I've taught both children and adults. I've taught at Universities in The United States (Lanier Technical College), Thailand (Thammasat University), and Japan (Hirodai University).

When teaching in Japan, I saw that most students learn slowly. After 5 years of English study, they could not speak English. They could not communicate. They could not understand me. For them, English was painful and difficult.

But I also saw a few different students. These few learned quickly. They understood me and could speak well. They talked to me easily. Their pronunciation was better. They enjoyed English. Their grammar was better, their vocabulary was better, their test scores were better.

"During the time that he was an instructor at Lanier Technical College, A.J. proved himself to be most capable and effective."
-- Flo Smith, ESL Director, Lanier Technical College

What is the secret? Why do a few students do so well, while most fail? Listen First is the secret. The students who Listen First method always succeed. Always!

In October 2006, I started my own English teaching program. I wanted to help students speak English fluently. I wanted to help students learn a better way.

"A.J. is an enthusiastic and energetic teacher. I highly recommend A.J."
--Dr. Brenda Murphy, Shenandoah University
The Birth of Effortless English

I started my English teaching program because most schools fail. They fail their students. They force students to study grammar. Most students at English schools will never learn to speak English well. Never. They will study years, and never be able to communicate.

I wanted to help learners like you speak English-- naturally and fluently. I wanted to help English students be successful.

I used all of my teaching and research knowledge and made ...

... Effortless English -- an English class that uses only real English articles, movies, books, and audio (sound). Effortless English is a Listen First class.

Effortless English uses research secrets that work-- you won't find them in textbooks. You won’t find them in schools.

Here's what I give in my program:

* The incredible Way to Learn Vocabulary and Grammar Without Study-- TPRS. TPRS is "Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling". It is a simple but amazing technique for teaching English speaking & grammar-- without grammar study! That’s right, you learn grammar without memorizing grammar rules-- the same way native speakers learn it.

* The "Overlearning" method that helps students use English automatically.

* How to use real English movies and audio to increase vocabulary, understanding, and grammar-- without memorizing!

* How to learn English in a relaxing way by listening to interesting articles about interesting topics.

* How my best students learn, how they study -- and how they learn English faster than other students.

* How to avoid grammar study and instead learn grammar like children-- naturally.

*How to raise your iBT TOEFL Speaking and Listening scores 20%, 30%, --or even 40%

* Why pronunciation is very important-- and how to improve it.

"A.J., thanks so much. Before taking your course, my English was terrible. I had no confidence. I didn't think I could learn English, ever. Now I'm learning fast. I feel confident and I love English. Compared to my classmates at school, I'm learning much faster than them."
-–Atsuko, student in Hiroshima, Japan

Learn English Whenever and Wherever You Want

You can benefit from my system in a most convenient way. I've made The Effortless English Club -- to help you, so.....

* you can learn to speak English easily and automatically;

*you can learn anywhere and anytime you want.

Learning with Effortless English is easy. You listen to my English lessons 1 hour every day. These lessons are interesting-- no boring textbook activities. Instead, you listen to lessons that use real articles, real letters, real conversations, and real movies. That is the key-- 1 hour a day of Effortless English lessons.

This method is powerful! You will learn 5 times faster than you did in school. You will learn to speak English, not just read it. You will learn to communicate quickly and easily. Effortless English gives you English speaking power.

"Those students who focus on intense listening first, and do not force speaking, end up as near native."
--David Long, Director of Automatic Language Growth

What You Get When You Join

You can get everything you need to speak English:

Vocabulary Lessons

This is a listening lesson, not a reading lesson. You learn new vocabulary by listening to me discuss new words. You do not study lists in a book. You do not learn by reading.

You download (get) the Vocabulary Lessons from the website after you join. The lessons are MP3 files, so you can play them on your iPod or computer-- anywhere you want.

TPRS Mini-Story Lessons

Next, you download (get) the Mini-Story Lessons. I use the powerful TPRS method to teach you to speak English fluently. You do not read the story, you listen to it many times and practice it. The mini-story is the most powerful English lesson you will ever have. You will learn new grammar and vocabulary in a completely natural way-- and you will learn it by listening.

Point of View Mini-Stories

Point of View Mini-Stories are next and they are amazing. These stories teach you spoken English grammar. You do not memorize grammar rules. You do not study grammar. In this lesson, you learn spoken English grammar without effort. You learn it naturally, like a native speaker.

You don't need to study grammar rules. You listen to these stories many times and automatically learn the grammar.

Movie Lessons

As a member you also get movie lessons. I use an English language movie to teach you conversational English. You learn common idioms and slang. You also practice your pronunciation. Movies are incredibly important because they teach you real conversations. This is English that is used everyday by native speakers-- English you never find in textbooks or schools.

Pronunciation Lessons

As a member, you also get pronunciation lessons. I teach you to speak with a standard American accent.

Powerful and Effortless

These lessons are very powerful. You learn conversational English, without hard work and without effort.

You do this 1 hour a day-- and you become fluent. You speak English easily. You feel strong and confident when you speak English.

The Effortless English Club, has over 40 sets of these lessons. That’s right-- over 40 Audio Articles, over 40 Mini-Stories, and over 40 Point of View Stories. Plus, a growing library of movie lessons. Plus more and more pronunciation lessons.

"If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
-- Benjamin Franklin

I want you to speak English- fluently. I want you to feel comfortable and confident speaking English. I want you to speak with native speakers easily. I want you to speak quickly, without effort.

My students in San Francisco pay $300 a month to study with me.

But you don't have to pay $300 a month to use the powerful Effortless English system. .

You can join my online Effortless English Club for only $97. Only $97 for a 12 month membership. That gets you all of the English lessons-- a library of lessons that grows every month!

I want motivated learners. I want people who actually want to speak English-- not just study grammar.

If you want to speak English easily, you must join now.

When you become a member now, you also get:

Audio Articles

Every text article also has an audio MP3. After you read the Text and Vocabulary Guide, you improve your listening and pronunciation by listening to the article.

With Effortless English you spend most of your time listening. Listening First is the key to your success.

Text Article and Vocabulary Guide

Finally you read a real English article that uses your new vocabulary. This article is written at a university level, but I make it easy to understand with a "side by side" vocabulary guide.

I give you the meaning of difficult words next to the article text, so you don't waste time using a dictionary. This is the only reading lesson in the system-- every other lesson is a listening lesson.

A Powerful System

The Effortless English Club is powerful. It is more powerful than any school you have attended. It is more powerful than any textbook you have used.

Now it is time to decide: do you want to continue studying grammar, or do you want to finally speak English easily, automatically, and fluently?

To start, click here now.

When you join now, you also get another bonus:


You listened to the Vocabulary Lesson, the TPRS Mini-Story Lesson, the Point of View Mini-Stories, the Audio Article,... and you also learned from the Text Article and Vocabulary Guide.

As a bonus, I also do a Commentary for each lesson topic. In the Commentary, I talk casually about the topic. I discuss my opinions. I give you advice and suggestions. I use casual, everyday, standard American English.

This system guarantees you learn English easily and automatically-- without grammar study. If you use it, you will succeed.

"I got a 600 on the TOEFL! I spent years going to English schools. I wasted so much money and time. I'm so happy I found A.J. "
--Khem, student, Bangkok, Thailand

Anyone who uses this system can be successful. You will speak fluent English.

And if you join the Effortless English Club, I will guarantee your success.

"Thanks for your great method. Thanks to your system, I passed my interview and now have a job with Emirates Airlines!"
--Ploy, Bangkok, Thailand

"This is one of the greatest English learning systems in the world. Every person who wants better pronunciation, better grammar skill, better listening, and better English in general should use it-- but be sure to use ever part of the system. You can't fail!"
--Juan Carlos, Gainesville, Georgia

An Exclusive Club

Our members are very motivated. They are enthusiastic. It is an exclusive group. I don’t want everyone.

I don’t want people who prefer to take tests and memorize grammar. I want people who are tired of textbooks and grammar. I want people who are ready for a new way. I want you. I want you to finally speak English easily and fluently.

To join us, click here and join now.

"I'm glad I learned with A.J. Its great to see the site growing so quickly. I hope more people will learn English the Effortless Way!"
--Gabriel, student, Gainesville, Georgia

If you use the system for 1 hour a day for 6 months and are not satisfied, I will refund 110% of your money. And you still keep the full 12 month membership.

"To be honest, at first I didn't believe the Effortless English system would make a difference. But after using it for 4 months, I'm amazed. At the end of the semester, I had improved more than anyone else in my ESL class. The other students couldn't believe it. You can do it too-- use all of the system and you too will be successful! Thank you A.J."
--June, San Francisco, California

Expect Results

Most students spend years going to school, studying grammar, memorizing vocabulary-- but still can't use English. If you are reading this, you want to use a better method and speak English like a native speaker.

Don't wait-- start now. If you want to speak English quickly and easily, become a member of Effortless English now.

Director, Effortless English

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