
Sample lessonの続き


Effortless Englishでは、6ヶ月$47のクラブメンバーを募集しています。
Effortless Englishのsample lessonで映画のHitchを使ったレッスンが聞けるので、まだ聞いていない方は是非ホームページにアクセスして下さい!

Effortless Englishより、前回の続きです。

Does “it” Pop?
Does “it” Sparkle?
Does “it” make you Grin?
Is “it” ... WOW?
If “it” (grand or mundane) isnt WOW ... re-do it! Or dont do it!
This is ... Your Day.
Not “their” day.
This Day belongs ... ULTIMATELY ... to You.
Not “them.”
Throw off the shackles of Conformity!
--Tom Peters

Suppose I point a shamanic death-bone at you and recite a curse?
Or utter a Magick Word that alarms and threatens you as much as a simple "fuck" threatens simple Methodists?
The role of magick in all language transactions has very concrete and exhilarating/terrifying implications.
There is a well-documented case of a man, a cancer patient, "miraculously" blessed by remission and recovery due to a placebo [with tumors shrunk to half their previous size], then cursed back into critical condition when learning of deaths of others receiving the same placebo.
Whoever speaks a sentence to another human may pronounce a blessing or a curse without even intending this.
--Robert Anton Wilson

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
--George Bernard Shaw

Question authority, and just say "Know"
--Dr. Timothy Leary

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