今日は4月17日発行の無料のニュースレターより、Easier Is Betterをお届けします。
Easier Is Better
Many learners focus on difficult English. Perhaps teachers told you that you must read difficult articles to improve your English. Maybe teachers encouraged you to study very difficult grammar.
Well, they were wrong. They were wrong because research shows that the best way to become fluent is to focus on easier English. That's right, you will increase your vocabulary faster by reading and listening to easier English. You will improve your speaking and understanding faster by listening to easier English.
And the opposite is also true-- if you focus on very difficult English, you will learn MUCH more slowly. Your vocabulary, speaking fluency, and understanding will also improve much more slowly.
Research shows that the best way to improve quickly is to read and listen to easier English. What do I mean by "easier". Well, the general rule is that you should understand 90% or more of what you are reading or listening to. 95% is even better.
Dr Constantino, SY Lee, and KS Cho found that students who focused on easy reading had better TOEFL scores than students who focused on textbooks and traditional English classes. Research by Drs. Gradman and Hanania found exactly the same result.
The same is true of easier listening. Those students who focus on fun, easier listening speak better than students who study with textbooks and normal schools.
So what should you do? If you want to speak fluent English in 12 months, you should spend 1 hour a day listening to easier English. You should listen to the same thing many days, until you know it very well. You should choose English that is interesting to you. You should not need a dictionary to understand what you are listening to, or reading.
If you need a dictionary, it means its too difficult-- you should find something easier. Don't waste time with dictionaries. Instead, spend the entire 60 minutes just listening to English. Use that time well. Listen carefully, listen to easier English, and listen to things you enjoy.
That is the key to speaking English well.
Good luck!
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